life-long learners able to think critically
with Catholic values
to maximize learning
as an experience and encounter
Everest Academy Manila is the first international Catholic K-12 school in the Philippines and a member of Regnum Christi. We adhere to the Integral Formation® model of education, which forms students into future leaders, inspired by Catholic values, who can transform society.
Explore EverestFirst
Catholic International School in the Philippines
Class Size:20
for Kinder
Class Size:25
for Grades 1-12
Faculty with Master’s Degree and Units
Universities and College Acceptances from 2018-2020
Varsity Teams
Advanced Placement Courses Offered
In Everest Academy Manila, we partner with our students’ families
to raise future leaders who can make a positive difference in society.
Listen to stories of our parents on how the #EverestAdvantage
has made an impact on their child.
Listen to how the #EverestAdvantage guides our alumni as they navigate University life.