hig Everest Academy | Mission, Vision and Values

Mission, Vision and Values

Our Vision

Everest International Academy graduates will be leaders who, inspired by Catholic values, transform society.

Our Mission

  • Educate students who excel academically and maximize their intellectual capacities to become lifelong learners able to discern and think critically
  • Cultivate well-rounded, creative, and passionate leaders who can effectively communicate and collaborate with others
  • Form students to be strong in character and virtue, guided in their actions and choices by ethical principles and respect for the human person
  • Develop mature Christians who understand, value, live and share their faith
  • Forge socially-concerned individuals responsive to the spiritual and material needs of others

Our Values

Excellence - Give Your Best

  • deliver high quality service
  • always find a better way
  • be professional
  • go the extra mile

Community - One Heart, One Mind

  • be united towards a common goal
  • demonstrate empathy and compassion
  • be an effective part of the whole
  • live by the family "Bayanihan" spirit

Charity - Generous and Caring

  • share talents, resources, and time
  • emphasize the positive
  • respond to the needs of others

Integrity - Honest and Authentic

  • be truthful
  • be accountable
  • be authentic

Joy - Cheerful and Positive

  • create an environment of enthusiasm
  • see the good in everything
  • have an attitude of gratitude
  • TO TEACH: informing the mind, transmitting appropriate knowledge.
  • TO EDUCATE: cultivating the heart to love authentic values and a sense of what is good, just, and beautiful.
  • TO FORM: forging the will and shaping character in virtue as a basis for integrity.